Ah, digital marketing. Or, these days, just plain marketing! Nearly everyone carries a smartphone in their pocket, browses social media, owns a tablet, or enjoys broadband Internet. That’s a lot of potential ways to connect with customers, whether they’re regular Joe consumers or another business you want to link up with, it’s a brave new digital world and marketing must align with that change. What are some of the ways you can raise your digital content marketing game in the busy digital landscape? Let’s find out:

Interactive content!

We’ve talked before about our love for the immortal quiz. Eminently shareable, fun, and easy to make, quizzes are just one of the interactive content examples you can include on a company website. Built-in calculators are the perfect go-to for financial or tax companies. Browser games, naturally, are a good fit for software and gaming companies—or, really, any company because who doesn’t like a good time waster occasionally? Surveys provide visitors with a fun way to kill some minutes, and, depending on the survey questions, they provide the brand with some precious insight from the customer base. Don’t know what your customers want from you? Why not ask them. Make them engaging and fun enough, and they will be shared and you can consider your digital marketing game raised.   

Pivot to video!

If you’re in publishing, all of the blood from your face probably drained out now from just reading that phrase. While it’s true the infamous video pivot reckoning hasn’t worked out much for most websites, the truth is ad spending on mobile video has been skyrocketing way past non-mobile, and it will continue to because everyone everywhere is constantly on their powerful 4G phones. Beside YouTube, you’ll find video ads on Facebook and Twitter, on Snapchat and Instagram—all possible channels to reach your intended audience. Make them funny, emotional, informative, and end with a strong call-to-action complete with a website or social media shout-out. Video is so universal and quick to understand and share, you can almost understand why shortsighted publishers went crazy over the idea. Unlike them, however, make sure you have high-quality content to back up that pivot.  

Test your might!

I mean, test your website. This is more of a housecleaning tip, but it’s worth pointing out if you want to make sure your digital content marketing efforts are getting noticed. Look at how your company site, videos, GIFs, all that good content, looks on a variety of platforms and optimize them accordingly. Just visit your stuff with a phone or tablet and make sure everything is working as it should be. Are menus overlapping with images? Do hyperlinks go where they’re supposed to? What about surveys and quizzes and contact forms? If everything works then no worries, but if anything’s off-kilter or not where it should be make sure to note what’s wrong and fix away. Some content management systems like WordPress allow you to preview what sites will look like on different platforms, but it never hurts to perform some due diligence yourself.

SEO and high-quality content!

It can’t be said enough. Search engine optimization drives visitors to your content. When people search for products or services in search engines (cough cough Google) they will click the top-ranking results, maybe go through one or two pages if so inclined and call it a day. So how do you rank high in a sea of severe competition? Well, a keen understanding of keyword research and selection, HTML formatting, and URL structure that matches keyword choice certainly helps. Besides those best practices, there’s no real surefire SEO shortcut to improve your digital marketing. Not only that, adjustments to SEO take time to reflect results. So make sure your digital marketing strategy includes high-quality content, full of smart research and personality, and free of grammar, spelling, and technical issues. And, make it simple to find. More than anything, that will raise your digital marketing content game.

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